Had I known of the battle raging for the mind of my child I would have forbidden Josh from seeing the movie.
Armed with a movie of his own, the documentary "Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged — Making Evil Look Innocent," [the Rev. Doug] Taylor resurrected his public stand that parents and schools should closely examine the occult influences found in the books and ban them.
"Harry Potter teaches witchcraft to children through children," author Robert McGee said in the documentary. "It's teaching children that witchcraft is something attainable. When a child is captured by witchcraft, they rarely choose to get out until much later in life, after they've led a very miserable life."
Well, heck, instead of camping out the night before, Josh and his friends could have cast a spell to prevent anyone else from being first in line. And what do we do with witches?
McGee and fellow author Caryl Matrisciana, an expert on world religions, sects and cults, urged viewers to closely examine the pagan symbols and references riddling the "Harry Potter" books. Their examples included everything from spells, shape-changing, curses, drinking animal (unicorn) blood to references to Nazism, possession, phallic symbols and "dark arts."
Hmmm, I wonder how they feel about transubstantiation or the Roman Catholic and Episcopalian practices of consuming the body and blood of Christ.
"I didn't come here to argue," said Emily Fuller, 18, of Lisbon, the lone opposing voice at the meeting. "My friends and I came here to hear your views. I firmly believe it's just a book. Reading 'Harry Potter' has never interrupted my life. My friends and I have never cast a spell."
How refreshing. Someone--and a young person at that--who uses their mind.
River Kwai and Elephants
5 weeks ago
1 comment:
Some people have entirely too much time on their hands.
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