Last night we hosted a Christmas party for the nurses Kathy works with. It was an enjoyable evening capped off with a White Elephant gift exchange. Among the "best" gifts were a vibrating finger-shaped pen that farted when you pulled it, providing fuel for infinite innuendo, and a most hideous looking owl.
Kathy made up options for people who wanted to trade their gift for someone else's which added to the fun. At the end of the trading she ended up with the owl. I think we should let it keep watch over the back yard from the top of the pergola. Maybe it'll keep the neighbor's cats out.

The most interesting observation about the party came from Steph who was upstairs the entire time. During the gift exchange she sat at the top of the stairs and listened.
The verdict: We are lame.
Lame but oh, so happy.
Is "lame" a bad thing???
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