* Freya and 3rd
* Thor and 2nd
* Division and Sprague
* Ash and Wellesley
* An additional camera at the Division and Francis intersection
The 30-day warning period for the new cameras (before citations will be issued) is scheduled to start March 1. Citations will be issued beginning April 1.

“Typically, there might be a slight increase (in the first year),” said Officer Teresa Fuller, who examines camera violations before tickets are issued. “But those go down in the second year of the program.”
The increase refers to the number of accidents. So you might want to avoid the above mentioned intersections come March 1. I wonder if anyone has thought of an appropriate prank for the day they begin issuing citations.
But wait, there's more.
A report detailing the effectiveness of the red light cameras is currently being completed by the Spokane Police Department and should be available by February.
The study will review injury severity and changes that have occurred as a result of the traffic safety camera deployment. In addition, the SPD is assessing crashes at the enforced intersections and approaches both prior to and after deployment of the traffic safety program.
I look forward to reading that report.
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