Going through this morning's Spokesman Review, I was digging through the ads trying to find the comics. A photo of a large-breasted woman wearing a red bra could not help but catch my eye. The Lane Bryant ad was for "The lingerie TOO HOT for TV!" It turns out some networks have been refusing to air certain Lane Bryant commercials.
We all know kids don't read the paper so it's okay to put the ad there. :-)
River Kwai and Elephants
4 weeks ago
Must be discrimination against "full-figured" models.
After all, no network seems to have a problem airing Victoria's Secret commercials...
We received a Victoria's Secret (no we don't shop there) sale catalogue in the mail the other day. I guess kids don't fetch the mail for their parents either... ;)
I can see where they are coming from, kind of. While I am personally all for full-figured (or as I call them "real women") models on TV, that ad implies that she is meeting Dan for lunch wearing only lingerie and a top coat, and we can all pretty well figure out where that is going.
I don't think they object to the lingerie, or the model, they object to airing something that might lead little Jimmy to ask why the nice lady is meeting Dan for lunch without her clothes.
Lucas. Understood. I was actually writing the discrimination comment as tongue-in-cheek.
But television is chalk full similar and questionable messages in the TV show schedule.
I don't think I need to provide examples to prove my point. None of it points to a proper message for our children.
We get ourselves in a tangled mess when we start to censor things. Someone will always be offended about something, so where does it stop?
Oh, have you seen how the president wants to control information? Of course, he would like to ban all conservative information.
Then there is the administration's push by the Regularoty Czar, Cass Sunstein to "legally" control the internet.
So again, where does it all stop?
Elections sure do have consequences. We are going down a road we do not want to travel. No wonder the president and congress have such low approval ratings.
Really Anon? We can't talk about ladies in underwear without you posting some political rant?
"I sailed down the Nile in my Maidenform bra"...
I sincerely apologize Lucas.
In my opinion, the gist of the original post was a political comment on censorship and how it is not applied evenly...
But go ahead, talk about women in underwear if you want to. I won't object... ;)
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