For track season this year Stephanie decided to go out for the 300 meter hurdles. She's been coming home from practice with bumps and bruises on the sides of her knees from nailing a hurdle or two. Yesterday she ran her first race at the Richland Jamboree. She was scared to be racing in front of so many people for fear she'd wipe out and eat the track but she didn't look nervous at race time.

She cleared each hurdle and finished in 63 seconds which made her very happy so good for her.
We could have come to cheer her on! Call next time the team comes to the Dri-Cities. (And we promise if she falls in the hurdles, we'll pretend we didn't see it)
Have you sat through a track meet before? It's hours of watching other people's kids interrupted by a short moment of seeing your own. As a minimum they run an hour behind schedule.
But I'll give you a head's up the next time we're in town. It'll be good to see you.
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