Some folks were ecstatic that the new Miss USA was one of two contestants who supported teaching evolution in school. That's two out of fifty-one contestants. A reflection on our science scores? Maybe. Check out Alyssa Campanella's remarks in response to the question, "Should evolution be taught in schools?"
I do believe in it. I'm a huge science geek. I like to believe in the big bang theory and the evolution of humans throughout time.
Sorry, but if she was such a huge science geek, I think her explanation would have been a little different. Evolution is not something you believe in. It's not a faith system. It's a scientific theory that provides the best explanation we have for the variance we find in life forms. The Big Bang theory is unrelated to evolution. Evolution is not anti-religion but some of the religious are anti-evolution.
For more fun, check out the other contestants' answers to the interview questions. Our own Miss Washington gives a particular dreadful answer. If nothing else, the questions and answers highlight the vacuousness of beauty pageant competition.
She ain't no Little Miss Sunshine.
River Kwai and Elephants
2 weeks ago
I think the same could be said for the person who came up with the idea of asking the contestants to make motor boat/siren/cat sounds as well.
Good lord, Miss Washington. "I never hear sirens because I have a radar in my car." "Evolution is okay if you state facts, but when it comes to everybody's little theory that's where I draw the line."
So fuck you Darwin.
Absolutely, Al.
I interpret her response as a combination of ignorance and an attempt to be politically correct.
I tried to design an experiment to prove the validity of the scientific method, but I couldn't think of a rational control group.
I still _believe_ in reason, though the church of science has made some regretable judgment calls: eugenics, 19th century racial theory (including Darwin's), Tuskegee...
I probably believe more in accountability, a quality many scientists and other church folk seem to lack.
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