Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Trail of the Coeur d'Alenes

Last Sunday, Kathy and I took our friends Bob and Donna to the trailhead at Plummer and rode to Harrison and back. It was their first time on the trail and they enjoyed it very much. As usual, the wildlife was on display for us, although the ospreys nesting on top of Chacolet Bridge were not very cooperative.

The trail is a very pleasant ride. Coming from Plummer you have five miles of slow descent to the southern end of Lake Coeur d'Alene. The trail travels north on the west side of the lake for a bit before crossing the lake on the Chacolet Bridge, which used to be a railroad trestle. Then you follow the west side of the lake to Harrison.

We ate lunch at One Shot Charlie's in Harrison and then went for ice cream at the Harrison Creamery and Fudge Factory. It's been a while since Kathy and I took the kids to Harrison and the ice cream shop is under new management since. They boats the largest single scoop of ice cream and I have to agree. 

Fortunately, the ride back to Plummer is level until you leave the lake. Then it's a 3% grade climb, which isn't bad at all even with a belly full of ice cream.

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