I took an Intro to Video Production class at Community Minded TV. There were only two of us in the class and we had to take what we learned about storyboards, shot lists, camera angles, etc., to make a short video. It'll be shown on channel 14 in two or three weeks with other class-made videos in a program called Spokane By The Shorts. I've been working on an idea for a bicycling program called GASUP - Get Around Spokane Using Pedals so I thought this would be a good opportunity to test it out. The intent of GASUP is to show the versatility of the bike and how you don't have to be an athlete to ride. I want to highlight bike clubs, cycling events, give commuting tips, safety, maintenance, etc., in order to encourage people to ride.
So here's the video we made. The sound is atrocious since we used the mikes on the cameras, but that's what you get when you're new at something. But I think you'll get a pretty good taste of the concept. In spite of all the planning I was surprised how difficult it was to get this done. The guy that taught the course said video projects are never completed, just abandoned. I can see why. Even though it seemed we did a pretty good job, I keep seeing new things to fix every time I watch this.
A GASUP Short from h greer on Vimeo.
River Kwai and Elephants
2 weeks ago
Great job, Hank. Especially liked the staple gun - nice touch. Very impressed with the clarity of the video - next time I see you we're gonna have to chat about that - mine always seem to lose a lot of quality when I transfer them online.
Thanks, Pat. Vimeo allows you to upload 500MB videos (one per week for the free accounts). This four minute MOV file is 315MB. I used iMovie to edit and create it. I've used Windows Movie Maker in the past and was never happy with it. Pinnacle Studio is pretty nice, but I was only happy with the results when I made a DVD. Not so much when I made a WMV file.
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